Sunday, June 26, 2016

Is the UK leaving the EU a good thing?:

The young generation doesn't understand that the EU doesn't just mean free travel through Europe. The EU is an economic burden upon the UK for these facts: 1.) The EU houses the "P.I.G.S." (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Spain) of which all have economic growth rates at an average of 0.8% which is 2.3% the global avg of 3.1%, also the "P.I.G.S."have a combined GDP to Debt ratio of 124.725% which means their debt is bigger than their average GDP/GNP. This high Debt rate and low economic development cause for the Euro to become less and less of a valuable currency causing for other EU economies to suffer as a result. 2.) The UK was better off before they joined the EU, The UK joined the EU in January 1 1973 and literally about 3 months later they fell into a recession. Their EGR (Economic Growth Rate) fell from 5% to -1% and then -2.7%. Their economic growth rate now stands at 0.4% due to EU economic regulations of which cost the UK $27.4 Billion a year however when we add EU programs that benifit the UK the cost comes down to a loss of $3 Billion a year to the UK.  3.)  The EU doesnt cut off trade to non-EU economies like the vote remain campaign claim in fact Switzerland a non-EU country Exports $63.9 billion in trade into the EU and has been called one of the EU's most valuable trading partner. 4.) The Pound and Global markets will most likely recover quickly. For the only reason for the economic drop is because foreign and local investors being  paranoid sold their stock so that they do not take an immediate loss, however now is the perfect time for new investors to invest in the UK's economy for the stocks are worth less due to the selling frenzy, and this less value makes it cheaper for wall street to purchase stock which is how the economy will recover quickly. anyways the DOW (basically the industrial avg.) has had worse hits this year even with it dropping 2,000 points between Aug. 18-aug 25.
5.) Last and not least the EU is an Undemocratic institution in which EU officials are not elected by the populous rather by representatives elected by representatives of whom where elected by representatives of who finally where elected by the people (that's a long and vulnerable line in which corruption can take place), also EU law is superior to any laws made by its member states which means that the EU can literally create legislation for foreign Gov's. without the consent of the majority of the nations populous and representatives. 6). Also I understand this was a British referendum and the vote Leave campaign won and choose Freedom over Fear  and that is truly great. Also the young voters may not even fully grasp the complexity of the issue, I say this because how many 18-24 year olds do you know can understand advanced economics and political shifts? I'm guessing not a lot maybe you say about 27% do. Well then you've got how Brexit will be looked in the future as a good thing. 


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